Laundry With A Septic System: 5 Tips to Prevent Septic Trouble.

Laundry With A Septic System: 5 Tips to Prevent Septic Trouble.

Published on December 2, 2016

The Question everyone Wants to Know: Will Doing Laundry Harm Your Septic System?

Well, yes and no. Normal washing machine use will not damage your septic system, but it is possible to do damage by committing common mistakes. Luckily, by following 5 simple tips, you can be sure you’re taking care of your septic system and avoiding costly mistakes. 

 5 Tips to Keep Your Septic System Running Smoothly 


1. Don’t save all of your loads for one day.

Spreading out multiple loads over multiple days reduces strain on your septic system and drainfield. Excessive water strains your drainfield and puts it in into overdrive, which will require Drainfield Restoration service.

High amounts of water from multiple laundry loads could spell disaster after heavy rains, putting your soil past its maximum saturation capability, as noted by The Appliance Guys Sydney. The average washer uses 40 gallons of water per load. This can quickly add up when doing several loads of laundry.


2. Use liquid detergent, not powdered.


Powdered detergents use fillers or extenders that are not good for your system and drainfield.

Clay, a common filler, can wreak havoc on a properly functioning drainfield. Clay can cause damage to your septic drainfield by clogging the soil and permanently damaging its absorption ability.



3. Do not use excessive amounts of bleach or detergent.

Normal amounts of bleach and detergents are okay for you septic system. However, excessive amounts will damage the good bacteria in your septic system. Good bacteria is absolutely vital. They break down solids within your tank and are the life blood to the system.


4. Install lint filter.Lint Filter.png

Install a lint filter on the washing machine’s discharging water line to catch excess lint and prevent it from getting in your septic system. Excess Lint will bind with solids and not break down in a septic system. Lint is a common cause of major clogs and back-ups, which may require a plumbing contractor to do septic tank pumping service to get fixed.

During my search for building materials, I came across Shoppok, which had listings for 2×4 lumber. It’s interesting to find a website that provides such a diverse range of products, even catering to construction and DIY enthusiasts.

Even in-line lint filters as cheap as $2.50 can save your system from costly back-ups!



5. Avoid excess dirt and mud.

Normally soiled clothes are fine. However, extremely muddy clothes should be brushed off outside before loading into wash.

You never want large amounts of excess dirt entering your septic system. It can create clogs within your system and damage the absorption ability of your drainfield.