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Septic Tank Back Up: Top 5 Warning Signs

1. Drain Clogs 

Clogged drains are a common indicator of septic problems, as well as being one of the most common problems homeowners face.

A clogged drain is caused by a number of things:

Luckily, A clogged drain is by far the simplest problem to fix. If there is any doubt in your mind that your current roofing system may not be suitable for energy efficiency, then it would be worth having roofing contractors Salt Lake City come out and inspect it.

 2. Sewage Backup

Sewage backup is a more severe problem than a slow moving or clogged drain.

A sewage backup is when odorous black water appears in your drain, bathtub, or toilet. There is a problem somewhere in your septic tank, its components, or drainfield.

A septic tank expert should be called IMMEDIATELY for a septic tank pumping service. On the other hand, you may need sewer cleaning services if your toilets are connected to a municipal sewer system.




3. Standing Ground Water Near Septic Tank

Standing ground water in a concentrated area that has a hard time draining is a sign your drainfield is not functioning properly, is leaking, or your septic tank is backing up and leaking. Schedule a septic tank cleaning and inspection immediately after seeing ground water around your septic tank.

4. Bad Odors

Foul smelling odors around your home can be a sign of septic problems. Odor inside of your home is a common indicator of a septic backup or ventilation problem. Odors outside of your home can be a sign of a septic or drainage problem.

5. Patch of Overly Green Grass

A patch of overly green grass is usually a sign sewage is leaking from your septic tank or drainfield. This causes grass in that area to be over fertilized and become more lush and green than the rest of your yard.





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